viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2007

I've been inspired

I have more than enough free time to make a decent layout, but I just haven't felt too creative lately (bad thing, horrendous thing for a graphic designer). I'm craving some play time with CSS, it's been too long since I coded my last website. The thing was I lost interest... I didn't care for blogging, at all. And I became so lazy when came to coding and designing for the sake of it. My homework I could do just fine, but motivation to design something, just because?! Ufff, she divorced me sometime while I wasn't looking... Good news, though! We are working things out, and I now feel like making a layout inspired by scrapbooking. Yes! Scrapbooking. I've never really done this, but it seems like sooo much fun. :)

I've been offline for quite a while now, so yesterday I went daylies-hunting (yep, it's a spontaneously generated technical term) and I found some really nice weblogs Scribble Scratch, For Desperation, Hi Love, LOVEtap.

Some don't have a RSS feed, which surprised me. Are there still blogging-people out there who don't know what a RSS feed is? I'm inclined to believe: of course not! But this tells me otherwise... I might write a little about what feeds are tomorrow, just because. (Done! Check it out.)

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