martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

I miss his shenanigans

Last week my 4 year old pitbull, Billy Bob, died. I'm still having trouble getting used to the reality of his death. I didn't see it coming. Actually, no. I didn't want to see it... He was sick (leptospirosis), but we were giving him the best vet treatment we could. His vet never actually said he was going to die. But, later on, I found out that Billy's illness was in fact fatal in most cases.

He was a very good dog; kinda crazy, but good. I miss him.

sábado, 3 de mayo de 2008

I want to read

My semester ended and a new one just started. No complains so far. Lots of good teachers and interesting classes. 

This semester I intent to make myself busy 24/7. I work better under pressure. Otherwise, I don't get things done, and instead I sleep.

I want to start reading regularly. So today I bought a book recommended by my sister's boyfriend: "Todos los fuegos del fuego" by Julio Cortázar. I know nothing about it and hopefully that will make it all more interesting. 

Expect comments on it soon. Perhaps in Spanish... or not.